Founder/Director & Registered Manager
As founder/Director, Brendan is responsible for the financial management of the company as well as the overall quality of our services. He is also responsible for promoting Applied Video Analysis and Gentle Teaching within the organisation.
Brendan has 25 years’ plus experience of working with and learning from, autistic adults and children. In 2006, Brendan gained a BPhil in Special Education (Autism) from the University of Birmingham. In 2010, he qualified as a Certified Consultant in Relationship Development Intervention with the RDI® Connections Center in Houston, Texas. From 2016 – to – 2017, Brendan undertook Guider Training in video feedback intervention with the Association for Video Interaction Guidance UK.

Operations Manager
Sylwia works alongside the team to help provide a positive, supportive and consistent environment for those we support.
Sylwia has over 20 years' experience working with adults with care and support needs, including adults with Learning Disabilities, Acquired Brain Injuries and the elderly in a variety of settings. Sylwia qualified as an Occupational Therapist at Medical College in Poland, graduating in Social Politics. Sylwia moved to the UK in 2005 where she was able improve her spoken and written English skills and develop her career through experience and training in the Health and Social Care sector. Sylwia completed a Level 5 Health & Social Care Diploma (Registered Managers Award) in 2023.
She spends her free time keeping busy and active with her husband and daughter. An enthusiastic cook who likes to entertain, she bring people together with her food, energy and all-round positivity.

Deputy Manager
Jonah is responsible for developing and maintaining routines for those we support, as well as mentoring and supporting Community Leads and Community Support Workers, and ensuring our practices meet the standards required by CQC.
Jonah grew up in Steiner Camphill community and has additional 10 years plus experience working with children and young adults with learning disabilities, autism and behaviours that challenge.
In 2014 Jonah completed the NVQ 3 in health and social care and is currently enrolled in the QCF Level 4 for Leadership in Health Care. In 2019 Jonah gained a degree in Sociology.